Abhishek Sharma

PhD Student, Harvard University

abhisheksharma [AT] g.harvard.edu

Moments of a Mixture of Gaussians

23 Jan 2022 - Abhishek Sharma

Assume data from the following distribution:

\[\newcommand{\xvec}{\textbf{X}} \newcommand{\z}{Z} \newcommand{\E}{\mathbb{E}} \newcommand{\V}{\mathbb{V}}\]

\(\begin{align} \z \sim \textbf{Cat}([\pi_0, \pi_1]) \notag\\ \xvec_0 \sim \mathcal{N}(\mu_0, \Sigma_0) \notag\\ \xvec_1 \sim \mathcal{N}(\mu_1, \Sigma_1) \notag\\ \xvec = (1 - \z) \xvec_0 + \z \xvec_1 \end{align}\) with \(\pi_0 + \pi_1 = 1\) and \(\E[ \z ] = \pi_1\).

Then, what are \(\E[\xvec]\) and \(\V[\xvec]\)?


First, we find \(\E[\xvec]\) using Law of Total Expectation / Adam’s Law:

\[\begin{align} \E[\xvec] &= \E_\xvec[ (1 - Z) \xvec_0 + Z \xvec_1 ] \notag\\ &= \E_\z[ \E_{\xvec | \z}[(1 - Z) \xvec_0 + Z \xvec_1 | Z] ] \notag\\ &= \E_\z[ (1 - \z) \E_{\xvec | \z=0}[ \xvec_0 | \z = 0] + \z \E_{\xvec | \z=1}[\xvec_1 | \z = 1] ] \notag\\ &= \E_\z[ (1 - \z) \mu_0 + \z \mu_1 ] \notag\\ &= \pi_0 \mu_0 + \pi_1 \mu_1 \end{align}\]

Now, we can compute \(\V[\xvec]\) as: \(\begin{gather} \V[\xvec] &= \E[XX^\top] - \E[\xvec]\E[\xvec]^\top \end{gather}\)

We know \(\E[\xvec]\) so let’s find out what \(\E[XX^\top]\) is: \(\begin{align} \E[XX^\top] &= \E_{Z}[((1 - Z) \xvec_0 + Z \xvec_1)((1 - Z) \xvec_0 + Z \xvec_1)^\top] \notag\\ &= \E_{Z}[(1 - Z)^2 \xvec_0 \xvec_0^\top + Z^2 \xvec_1 \xvec_1^\top - Z(1-Z) (\xvec_0 \xvec_1^T + \xvec_1 \xvec_0^T)] \notag\\ &= \E_{Z}[(1 - Z) \xvec_0 \xvec_0^\top + Z \xvec_1 \xvec_1^\top] \notag\\ &= \E_{Z}[(1 - Z) \E[\xvec_0 \xvec_0^\top] + Z \E[\xvec_1 \xvec_1^\top]] \notag\\ &= \E_{Z}[(1 - Z) (\mu_0 \mu_0^\top + \Sigma_0) + Z (\mu_1 \mu_1^\top + \Sigma_1)] \notag\\ &= \pi_0 (\mu_0 \mu_0^\top + \Sigma_0) + \pi_1 (\mu_1 \mu_1^\top + \Sigma_1) \end{align}\)

to finally get \(\begin{gather} \V[\xvec] &= \pi_0 (\mu_0 \mu_0^\top + \Sigma_0) + \pi_1 (\mu_1 \mu_1^\top + \Sigma_1) - (\pi_0 \mu_0 + \pi_1 \mu_1)(\pi_0 \mu_0 + \pi_1 \mu_1)^\top \end{gather}\)

Summary (and general expression)

To summarize (in general notation for \(K \geq 2\)):

\[\begin{align*} \E[\xvec] &= \sum_{k=0}^{K-1} \pi_k \mu_k \\ \V[\xvec] &= \sum_{k=0}^{K-1} \pi_k (\mu_k \mu_k^\top + \Sigma_k) - \E[\xvec]\E[\xvec]^\top \end{align*}\]